
  • I haven't seen anything, but I've definitely had strange feelings in certain places. I've gone to certain homes that made me feel uncomfortable upon entering. I do believe they are demonic spirits, because there would be no reason for me to feel that way.

  • Seeing is scary but smelling is really scary too.. It was about a month since my friend's father died. I was renting a room at her ancestral home so we spend a lot of time together. At night we could smell his distinct tabaco smoke mixed with the scent of embalming chemicals. It went on and on until we revisited him in grave. Maybe he was just missing his daughter I think but it was really freaky. 

  • My dad said when I was 4 years old, he caught me talking to the corner of my bedroom. And then a week after that he and my mom were in my bedroom, they saw a little girl who looked about 5 years old outside my room then suddenly disappeared.

  • I have been encountering feelings as if I am been followed around the house. This began when my wife's brother was killed in a tragic boating accident several years ago. While I'm in the kitchen, I can see a shadow walking past me. In the bedroom, I had awaken several times in terror. I saw a man crouching in the corner next to my bed. At this point, I'm getting used to it and resigned myself to tolerate the continuous intrusion.

  • I had gone through a similar experience at the pyramids in Egypt. It was a sound unlike any I've ever heard, and it seemed to be coming from the base of the Cheops Pyramid. I wanted to investigate, but there was no way to get inside it. There aren't any animals large enough to produce a loud roar/growl which we heard in the Giza desert. I flashed back to what a friend had told me about the curse of the pharoah's tombs. You never know....

  • I take after my grandmother. She was a woman what we figured that when Death came to collect her he walked away with a size 12 butt whuping. Her house was haunted by something we referred to as "Old Man Rapp". No idea who/what it was, but it made its presence known on a regular basis. Her first encounter with it was when they moved in. The movers unpacked the furniture, put it where it was supposed to go and called it a day. My grandmother vacuumed the carpeting (which removed the furniture drag marks) and went to bed.

    That night she heard the sound of furniture being moved around. She woke up enough to holler "Play with it all you want but you had better put it back where you found it or else you're getting a foot broken off in your [butt]!" and went back to sleep. Next morning there were fresh drag marks in the carpet.

    I tell that story to give you an idea of my ability to shrug off the oppressive feelings and malevolent energies of haunted areas. The worse it gets, the calmer and more analytical I become. 

    We had found a cemetery in the woods on some public land. Old one. Dates on the stones from the early 1700's and barely readable. We got permission from the county and went out there at night to do a scan of the area. We got out of the car and hiked in with our gear in our backpacks. Since this was the woods and since there are fisher cats (really *nasty* buggers that'll attack Rottweilers) I was also packing my Glock. 

    Gotta love open carry states.

    So we make out there and before we can drop our packs and break out the gear we hear a snarling/growling sound that we have not heard before. I used to be a Boy Scout leader and so I know all the critters in the area. Was not a Fisher, was not a Coyote, was not a fox, dog, bobcat or any of the other animals in the area that we are familiar with. 

    Whatever the hell it was it hit a primal chord in us. We didn't even have time to think. We just broke and ran back towards the car for about 50 feet before I stopped and thought "You idiot! You're packing .40S&W rounds!" I turned, drew and aimed in the area of the noise. I take a few deep breaths to calm down and turn on the light on the gun and start sweeping the area. I saw two lights about eye-level to me near where we were. I was about to say something when I heard the noise again.

    Now the cemetery is about half a mile off the main road where we parked. I do not remember running back to the car and neither do the others. The second time it vocalized we all took off without thinking. All I know was that I was out of breath, panting hard, heart racing, and still clutching the Glock in my hand.

    Needless to say we called it a night. Never went back there.

  • So what is the 10%? What is the most frightening experience that you've encountered?

  • Just "Alex" please and no we're not professionals in any sense of the word. We do use professional grade tools and techniques but this is just a hobby for us. 

    We are having to rebuild our tools as just days after we moved out of the area the storage unit we had our stuff in was flooded when the two dams around the Keene area failed in September 2005. We had plans on finding a place in Maryland to live and then going back for our stuff. Did not happen as planned.

    But we scout out an area in the day time first, then do out night hunt, and then go back and try to eliminate any false positive hits. We had one of a stature with glowing eyes that in the daylight of the next day we discovered that the eyes had a vein of mica-inclusion and so was really reflective. More so than the rest of the statue. Creepy as heck but we dismissed the image. 

    I estimate we toss out 90% of our images after the next-day follow up.

  • Hi P. Alex. Are you a professional ghost hunter, or do you investigate haunted hubs as a hobby?

  • We were ghost hunting after work (worked the 3pm-11pm shift) and we hit the biggest hotspot that Keene NH had to offer. The Woodland cemetery by the Sumner Knight chapel.

    Now that spot is active because the planners did a major no-no. They moved the headstones of the bodies under the chapel when they built it, but didn't move the bodies. That part is so old that no one contested the decision and so the chapel was built. 

    Now this was back when my wife was still recovering emotionally from her abusive 18 year marriage (mostly emotional abuse) and as such...her emotional state should have kept her from coming along, but she wanted to be a part of the activity and really needed the company of her friends and so she went. We jokingly referred to her as "bait" but in reality we warded her, covered her with blessed silver, and anything we could to keep the spirits at bay. 

    One night it didn't help. She was warded against the spirit world, but not against herself.

    We were walking back towards the chapel and we hit a cold patch. Really cold. Like a precursor to Winter on an Autumn day kind of cold which was really odd for NH in the summer. My wife shrank into herself as the feeling of wrongness got really oppressive. I came up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder to see if she was alright.

    Unknown to me, she thought that I was ahead of the pack and that she and our other female in the group were the last ones in the line. She didn't expect a hand grabbing her from behind. 

    The scream was loud and the leap from her skin was prodigious. I think she managed to break Olympic records for the standing high jump. When she landed and saw that it was me she started beating me with the BoS she was carrying and punctuating each thwack with a "F--- You!"

    So everyone turns around and sees 6 foot-2 inch me being beaten half to death by a diminutive woman going "F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!F--- You!" in a rapid staccato matching the timing of the book to arm impacts.

    Now so far, apart form the cold and the feeling of wrongness, you're wondering where is the unexplained aren't you? Well traditionally, why was the mouth washed out with soap? 

    Can you say "fer cussin?" boys and girls? Sure, I knew you could.

    So when we get back to the chapel, the wrongness having been lifted presumably by the good natured laughter (mostly at my expense) my wife starts spitting and coughing. We come close and we can smell good old fashioned 99.44% pure Ivory bar soap. She spit in her hand and it was not just frothy as spit can sometimes get, but sudsy and smelled like soap.

    Our friend who had said "What the hell's going on?" started getting a taste in his mouth as well. Not as bad as my wife's, but you could smell it on his breath as well.

    Now... There are are no soap makers in Keene. There are no chemical dumping grounds in the area. No chemical plants at all for that matter upwind from the cemetery that would explain this. And even if there were, we were all clustered in a tight grouping and thus should have tasted it ourselves if there were something in the air.

    Nope, just my wife and our friend.

    Later we tell the story of the wife jumping out of the skin and beating the poop out of her husband to be. Before we got to the part of the soap in the mouth, her line leader at the plant we all worked at stopped us and asked if she had gotten her mouth washed out with soap. BEFORE we ever mentioned it.

    Turns out that this is documented by a number of hunters in the area. It seems that there is a spirit who isn't too dippy on cussing and my wife dropping the f-bomb 30 times a second really annoyed this spirit (suspected to be the ghost of an elderly woman) and our friend getting the milder version was a milder case as "Hell" isn't as bad as f-bomb.

    Making this interesting was the fact that days later on another trek back to our favorite haunt, they both got it again. Very mild, so we think it was a warning since my wife put a sailor to shame that night.

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