Ok so a friend of mine is in the second highest security ward of a mental hospital with maybe 14 other inmates.. he was there for chronic alcohol withdrawals , psychosis, self harm and possible paranoid schitzophrenia.
Lotsa characters there.. whatever .. have been put on stronger anti-psychotics.. and his psych today suggested while he was there in a "safe" place he tries to make hs demons appear (he mostly ignores it but if he focuses he says he gets visual, tactile and auditory "hallucinations").
Well he said was given his own big empty room today and wanted to summon shit hardcore like. So he drew a tulpa symbol on his arm and on paper and hung it over his head bed so he says.. tryied to focus on making a clone of himself.. apparently not interested in making some imagination-girlfriend.
amidoingitright? he thought.
as for his demons he'll try and focus and tune into them tonight but how can he really bring demons into this ward? What symbols can he draw on walls or paper or on himself? Kinda over the top, but, what the hell. I continue to see him on a monthly basis...maybe i'll have something about him much later.
I agree with Jackie! :)
Not gonna touch this. Bring him a Bible!