
  • It looks like a strand of blond hair, probably from her head. The 'head' on this looks like a follicle.


    How do you explain this? Please don’t say trashes
  • I ask to you, what is it that white wire or snake who is flying..but if you don’t know what it is, please don’t reply to say something stupid..because it is a true photo and if you have never seen something like this, don’t think “oh gosh it is a fake snake” :)) go to another my post, where you will see the photo zoom

  • It isn’t a toy like your son’s toy :)) you are fake

    Pam said:

    I know exactly what that is, my son has one and is always playing pranks. It is a fake snake. I would recognize it anywhere. Easily recognizable because of its open mouth!

    WHAT IS IT that white wire??????????
  • What are the people looking at in the pic? I think that will explain what you call the 'wire'!

  • I know exactly what that is, my son has one and is always playing pranks. It is a fake snake. I would recognize it anywhere. Easily recognizable because of its open mouth!

  • What is it on? Looks like a school bulletin board. Why are the pics so blurry? And what do you mean snakes can't fly? They can slither up things. You have to tell us what we are looking at. What kind of setting is it?

  • Snakes can’t fly..And then? what is it? Because in all my life i never have seen that..and What symbolize? or What is it? How can you call that?

    John Baker said:

    Hey Becca..That is not a's a snake. Are you putting us on?

    WHAT IS IT that white wire??????????
  • Hey Becca..That is not a's a snake. Are you putting us on?

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