
This was taken after a ghost hunting trip. We had to leave the area in a hurry (something felt really wrong) and so we failed to do our closing ritual. A little later that night something felt wrong on the porch and so we went out to look.

Vivitar was sent this photo (it was one of their digital cameras)and they can not explain any mundane reason for their camera to take this image.

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  • Have you thought about going to India? Doesn't get more pagan than that. You would have a field day! As beautiful as the Taj Mahal is, I wouldn't want to be alone there come nightfall. 

  • A show? No thanks. You are always under pressure to make the show interesting for the ratings. Which means that you frequent areas that are allegedly haunted (usually due to a dramatic historical event) but are actually dead zones and then have to make something up. Or have to make it seem like you have something interesting and make a HUGE deal about it when you really know that it's nothing.

    Honestly? I've been to sites that have given me good hits on one night only to have them quiet another night. Ghost hunting is like that. There are trips that you don't even get the slightest of "Creepy Oompa Loompa vibes". As a hunter I know and accept this and try again another night. 

    But that doesn't sell advertising space on a network.

    As for getting a group? I'd love to start one or join one but there are none in my area and interest is lacking. This is what I get for living in the Bible-Thumping belt. But in three years or so we'll be moving up to Pennsylvania which has a more active Pagan and Paranormal community. So I just hunt alone with my wife and bide our time.  

  • You seem to be sensitive to the paranormal. You should consider having your own show or organization.

  • Not much to say really. The area felt wrong, being a small learning coven (we're wiccan) we did a quick ritual asking whatever was out there to leave us alone, left an offering of cakes and ale outside and called it a night. 

    We didn't see this until we took a look at the picture later. When the picture was taken the subject said that he felt really cold. Like a New England winter wind (which is odd for late spring/early summer) and just felt strange.

  • What happened??

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