Astral Projection : Out of Body Experiences

My mother has more than a dozen stories but one in particular held so much meaning to her because it was about almost losing her lover, my father. When they were still not married my father often go out and drink. He was totally wasted one night, he drove his motorcycle straight at a running bus. He was rushed to the hospital with his face smashed so morbidly he had to breath through a tube inserted through his esophagus. The doctors claimed him dead but my mother would not accept it. He was dead for about 2hours. He came back after a while. 

My father always share the details of what he saw that day. He claimed he has seen his face all smashed up in the hospital room. He could see my mother crying. But the weird thing is he claimed he could hear music and there was a bright light. He said the music was ambient, calm, soothing and alluring. It was like calling him to another place. He saw images of things he could not explain yet he said they did not scare him but rather gave him comfort. After that all he could remember was waking up in the hospital room he saw. Then he realized it wasn't a dream. 

I could still see his scars until now. 

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