Project Imagin8ion - "Trailer" :30 Product

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You inspired a Ron Howard production with your photographs. What will you imagine next with the EOS Rebel T3i and EF lenses? Learn more about Project Imagin8...

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  • I imagine!!! Anything is possible in a film isn't it????
  • Hey, any of you that have taken intriguing photographs of paranormal activity, Canon is again having its imagin8tion contest. Anyone can submit your images in various categories to serve to inspire a movie to be made. Everyone can contribute and vote on the images.

    - Proud to be a member of the Canon team!

    Btw, my profile shot is of my previous Canon model. Her name is Avataress. The first time I was getting ready to capture her beauty digitally she hung out on top of her enclosure. She seemed to be smiling at me and seemed to be looking directly at me. She was about three feet from me. Then all the sudden she leaped and landed right on my between and above my eyebrows!! She landed right on my sixth Chakra!!! It surprised me so much!
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