Hi! I wanted to introduce myself...I am a writer who lives in St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States! We are celebrating our 450th Anniversary this year. I recently published my paranormal memoir, The House on Pancake Hill and have been doing radio shows and interviews, trying to connect to others who may have had similar experiences of growing up in a haunted house.
I was lucky enough to have had Ed & Lorraine Warren investigate our house and have fond memories of them.
My main goal for finally coming out of the "Paranormal Closet" was to help other psychic kids and teens and to let them know that they are NOT alone.
I look forward to hearing some of your stories! Have a great day!
Yes, it definitely sounds like your ghosts are home-bound.
HAHAHA! I guess you would have to read the book to understand how it all happened, John! I guess you could say that it became a part of me and my mother and I took metaphysical classes together and she was my biggest cheerleader. It wasn't until we moved and I began talking more about it that my siblings told me that they often heard footsteps,etc. but I was the main "target!" :)
Did they only affect you? And why did your parents wait so long to move? If it were bad, I would of gotten out of there a lot sooner- like when I was 4yr!
They can be, but in my book I told how we had a cleansing done on the house prior to our move and that worked.
By being "blocked", I meant that I was 17 years old, dealing with the world of Spirit since I was 3 on a daily basis and when I moved, I didn't want to deal with it anymore. Sometimes they still got through to me but the activity in that house was too much and I needed a psychic medium sabbatical!
What do you mean- you blocked everything? So are ghosts home bound?
Hi, John! No. Once I moved, I blocked everything. I still do communicate with other spirits if they come to me, though.
Do you still communicate with those spirits?
You are soooo right, Paul...never a dull moment! :)
Paul Ludin said:
Amy Sears said:
Sounds like you never had a dull moment growing up Jodi.