Brian Cano, known for his strong participation in SyFy's Haunted Collector, is returning to the Seven Sisters Inn for a FULL INVESTIGATION on the weekend of May 29, 2015. His impressive investigative work, including working with the Godfather of the Paranormal, John Zaffis, has proven a stellar career in paranormal research.
Brian brings in a scientific query for the metaphysical and occult, challenging what is real and what is possibility. He ignites the search with a sophisticated scientific approach which he labels "The Method". The method works, validates, questions and amazes. Be a part of it by learning it and doing it!
Participants will have a choice of the night
they wish to learn and investigate with Brian.
Friday, May 29, 2015 From 6PM - 1AM
Saturday, May 30, 2015 From 6PM - 1AM
LOCATION: Seven Sisters Inn in Ocala Florida
COST: $55/person (includes tax and ticket fee).
All will include:
1. Meet and Greet Brian Cano over Appetizers and Soft Drinks
2. Brian's Demonstration and Presentation of "The Method"
(A Scientifically Ignited Paranormal Investigation)
3. Full Paranormal Investigation of the current and original Seven Sisters Inn
4. A Review of Evidence and Q/A Session over Coffee and Dessert
Sunday, May 31, 2015 From 4PM - 11PM
LOCATION The Ghost Town of Kerr City
The Program is similar to those offered on Saturday and Sunday,
but will accommodate travel time to and from Kerr City.
Participants will gather and return to the Seven Sisters Inn
COST: $55/person (includes tax and ticket fee).
For Ticket Purchase CLICK HERE or Scroll Below.