haunting (2)

The Ghostly Bride of 13 Curves Road




Just ten miles southwest of Syracuse, New York, lies Cedarvale Road (a.k.a 13 Curves Road). It is said that over sixty years ago, a pair of newlyweds were driving along the winding stretch. Upon taking one of the curves too sharply, the car careened into the creek nearby. Some legends claim that both had lost their lives in the accident, while others say it was merely the groom. Whatever the case may be, it is not unusual for those travelling at night to come across the forlorn bride.

Multiple accounts of sightings describe her as wearing her bloodied gown and lurking near the sixth curve of the road. Sometimes, she is spotted carrying a lantern and simply searching through the darkness. Other instances recall her standing among the hills that line the highway. The most unfortunate souls to encounter this phantom have even had her suddenly appear in their backseat, bloody face gazing at them from the rearview mirror.

The town of Onondoga enjoys keeping the story alive, encouraging anyone passing through to take a trip down the road, especially on Halloween. So, if you're ever in the area, make sure to take a slight detour and check it out for yourself. You never know what you might see!

(image courtesy of pxhere.com)

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The Congress Inn




The Congress Inn is a hotel located in Nashville, Tennessee, that is shrouded in as much mystery as it is history. During times of the Civil War, it was used as a temporary hospital for housing wounded and dying soldiers. According to the claims of locals, it is said that when the bodies began to pile up and there was no longer room to store them, they were then cemented into the walls of the basement.

That's enough for any spooky legend to form, but it doesn't end just there.

Although there haven't been many cases of guests reporting creepy incidences, there is one incredibly popular story that has been circulated around the web for quite some time. In 1987, a man was staying at the Congress Inn when he was suddenly awoken to a heavy weight on his lower body. For several seconds, he struggled to move but to no avail. Strangely, he could see nothing holding him down. Then, as quickly as it happened, it stopped. Only later in the morning, after speaking to locals in the area, did he learn of the grisly history of the small hotel.

As far as other sightings go, there doesn't seem to be many personal encounters online. There has been mention of a ghostly figure, dressed in Civil War attire, who appears in doorways from time to time. A ghost hunter claims to have gotten small EMF readings after spending several hours there. So, is the Congress Inn really haunted or is this just another local legend that's gotten spun larger over time? The only way to find out is to book a room there and find out for yourself!

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