A Restless Spirit Wanders The Tombs Of Ancient Egypt

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A restless spirit wanders the tombs of ancient Egypt and offers a prayer to Osiris, for her redemption.

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  • Those pharoahs sure knew how live in a decadent fashion. A realistic video. I don't think Hollywood could have done better!

  • I agree with everyone. Egypt captures the imagination, and this video depicts how the ancient royals probably lived within their palaces. Absolutely fascinating! 

  • Nicely done. The Egyptians (royals) had a decadent lifestyle. I guess that's what made their culture so fascinating. It's comparable to our movie stars and their lifestyles today.

  • Yep! That's how I imagined the temples looked like as I walked through some of them. Beautiful!

  • I loved your video! I felt like Cleopatra wandering through my palace trying to find something to eat! lol

  • Excellent!  A big thumbs up!

  • WOW! The best video I've seen on Egypt. Not only did it depict an amazing representation of what the temples, tombs and life must have been liken to, but I actually felt that I was there witnessing it! Bravo!

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