"Nicely done. The Egyptians (royals) had a decadent lifestyle. I guess that's what made their culture so fascinating. It's comparable to our movie stars and their lifestyles today."
"Some say alcohol is a big factor in human combustion. They said that the torched people were heavy drinkers and had been drinking at the time they burst into fire. Maybe there's something to it."
"I agree with the others, there's tons of info on ancient civilizations. Every civilization will leave a trace of itself, whether through structures, artifacts or bones. Some things the earth takes thousands if not millions of years to recycle."
"Magic and curses have been around for thousands of years. People still practice it today as Grace has alluded too. The story of Moses and one of the Pharoah's magicians with the rod is a clear example."
"Hey John! Are you still in that place? Sounds like you have an exciting job. Even with the weird stuff going on. I guess as long as it doesn't affect you, enjoy it while you're there."