Fourth Horseman (death) Egyptian riots. Full Original Video

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Revelation 6:8“I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him."In the video, there are various scenes of violent unrest. Objects being thrown, tanks being driven through city streets, and fires caused by Molotov cocktails. It is what occurs at 1:18 of the video that is receiving a fair bit of press, however.A blurry, yellow and greenish image, which some are saying is a ghost horse and rider galloping though the streets amid protesters has sparked not only curiosity, but also a plethora of Biblical theorizing. The horse, you see, is said to be the Pale Horseman, one of the apocalyptical Four Horseman which symbolize Conquest, War, Famine, and Death.

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  • Sounds about right Charlize. These seem to be the times.

  • "Revelations" has come alive, or I should say, coming nearer and nearer to the time.

  • How wonderfully eerie!

  • I wonder if this could be the beginning of the end - Armageddon.

  • I like it too. Kind of chilling!

  • Real or not, I love this video.

  • I remember seeing Egyptians riding white horses during the riots, so I question the authenticity of this video.

  • I agree with Jackson. A really eye-opening video.

  • An awe inspiring video. Makes one think of how we should live our lives.

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