Mysterious Malaysian Jungle Plant Moves by Itself

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We're in the middle of the jungle in Malaysia and we stop to rest for a moment, and I see this plant waving around. No indication what was causing the waving...

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  • I agree it's funny no matter what!

  • Even if it is fake, it's still funny. Someone had a good sense of humor! lol

  • Yes, I see your point Clyde, and I tend to agree with you.

  • ha ha

  • It would be really funny if it was real. Little greenie would be most appropriate! haha

  • It would be really funny if it was real. Little greenie would be most appropriate! haha

  • Yep- I have to agree on this one. If it is a foreign tourist walk through the woods, the Malaysian might be pulling a prank.

  • Fake

  • Ah you're right Deborah. I noticed that too. I agree it's fake!

  • I've watched this a couple of times and it looks that someone has edited the clip over and over. I'm not a camera expert but you can see when a frame stops and goes. This is a fake.

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