The Curse of King Tut

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A review of the find of Egyptian King Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter and the possibility it was protected by a curse. For more information on this subje...

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  • While I do believe in ancient curses, they tend to blame King Tut's curse on anything that goes wrong.

  • I bet Mohammed's possessed dog came from Tut's tomb! 

  • It would be nice if the Egyptians could actually replicate this temple for tourists. I would love to have the chance to walk through it.

  • Actually Carol it would have been the sorcerers paid by the priests of the pharoahs to put the curses on the tombs. I think a lot of the priests robbed the tombs themselves. It is very good they found Tutankhamun. No one could have imagined what or how the pharoahs lived.  Carl's video is a nice representation.

  • Maybe the tomb robbers where the ones who put the curses on the tombs for the pharoahs. They would know how to reverse them. They could have had a racket going on. The common tomb robbers would pay the sorcerers a commission to the lift the curse, while the robbers plumaged through the tombs. It's plausible. 

  • I really need to save up so I can travel. Cool video Jackie!

  • Really good!

  • Nice video, it was really interesting-thanks!

  • No matter what, it's still one of the most fascinating stories the world has witnessed

  • It seemed that all the people associated with his tomb died of strange circumstances.

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