TrueRest ~ The World of Floating

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This is a video comission i did for TrueRest Float Spa in Pheonyx AZ. Check out their website at I highly recommend checking out a local flo...

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  • They did not have a float pod though :-( Las Vegas needs one, though!!
  • It was years ago. So not sure it would still be there but it was in the base floor of ceasers hotel casino. The oxygen bar was there. They also administered with an upper body massage and am energy shot.
    my massage and spa was at my hotel....I think the luxor hotel in LV.
  • I have done an oxygen bar after gambling in las vegas....when I won a bunch of money I just spent some of it on some spa treatments and an oxygen bar....would love to visit scottsdale to float and do the oxygen bar.....get into an altered state. My friend who sent me this video does float therapy for his recovery. He was a firefighter that got hurt when battling a firestorm in san diego. It has really helped his recovery. His friend does the youtube chanel called spirit science. They are often animated little lessons on stuff. Pretty cool.
  • I have done an oxygen bar after gambling in las vegas....when I won a bunch of money I just spent some of it on some spa treatments and an oxygen bar....would love to visit scottsdale to float and do the oxygen bar.....get into an altered state. My friend who sent me this video does float therapy for his recovery. He was a firefighter that got hurt when battling a firestorm in san diego. It has really helped his recovery. His friend does the youtube chanel called spirit science. They are often animated little lessons on stuff. Pretty cool.
  • Rudy and bella did you see the movie the minority report? I am pretty sure the flotation pod was in the movie. Two empaths floated in it and would feel someone about to create a crime...then the cops would go arrest the criminal before he had the chance to actually commit the crime. I loved that movie with tom cruise.
  • Myself, I am highly clairscentient from birth. I had intuitive development training to help understand why. I feel sensations in my body in response to thoughts or feelings sent to me. When I am in vicinity of spirits wanting to have some communication, for example if I go to a slyvia browne lecture who is a medium....everyone who attends her event has relatives friends who also come in hopes of getting a communication. I feel their friends and relatives as my fifth chakra activates which is in the throat region. It feels like I want to cry. It is the spirit across the veil sending a message telepathically. The pressure on my throat gets very intense. I feel their emotions as if they are my own emotions.
  • Hi John, I can assist you in connecting the dots so you can see the entire picture.

    The video explained that the floating pod was developed as a result of research on the brain and achieving altered states of consciousness in which the beta waves change to be theta waves.

    Paranormal is a term from the psychological field meaning anything in the realm of things not explained by science. that is a huge category. It you were to go to one of these haunted houses....some people might take devices to monitor and record the activity or another avenue is that you could develop your intuitive abilities. To develop your innate intuitive abilities it generally requires meditation or quieting the left hemisphere having to do with have to turn down your left brain in order to learn how to turn up the activity within your right hemisphere. Then you could potentially learn to communicate or feel the presence of spirits or various energies that might be responsible for doors slamming or lights flickering.
    > parapsychology (Spirituality, New Age, Astrology & Self-help / Alternative Belief Systems) (Psychology) the study of mental phenomena, such as telepathy, which are beyond the scope of normal physical explanation

    > par·a·nor·mal
    > Adjective:
    > Denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.
  • No offense Flock...But what does this have to do with the paranormal?

  • This looks like what the empaths did in the movie minority report!
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